Welcome to ramtools’s Documentation!

This is a Python module based on YT to post-process RAMSES simulation data. The code is accessible from this github repository: https://github.com/chongchonghe/ramtools

Author: Chong-Chong He (che1234 @ umd.edu)

Overview on How to Use this Module

  1. Install required packages (yt)

  2. Clone this repository and install it via pip install -e . inside the code directory.

Setup procedure

Features of ramtools

  1. Simplify the process of analysing RAMSES data with plenty of powerful tools

  2. Make sliceplot/projectplot extremely fast by storing intermediate data at first run and reuse them in subsequent runs

Documentation for the Code

Executables in bin/


plot_projection is an executable to efficiently plot slices/projections of a given RAMSES simulation. This function is extremely useful for a quick first analysis of a new simulation. Run plot_projection in a folder named, say ‘postprocess’, inside a job directory and it will create density projections and slices along the x, y, and z axis for all outputs. The output figures will be stored in ./projections. You can regenerate the figures with different aesthetic settings and the code will make use of the cache stored in the job directory from the first run to accelerate the image production process. For a complete documentation, do plot_projection -h.

usage: plot_projection [-h] [-c CENTER] [-l LOS LOS LOS] [--no-edgeon]
                    [-w WIDTH] [-f FIELDS] [-t TO] [-k KINDS] [-s]
                    [--sink-color SINK_COLOR]
                    [--mass-lim MASS_LIM MASS_LIM] [-o] [--overwrite-cache]
                    [--hide-axes] [-a] [--scale SCALE]
                    [--scaleloc SCALELOC] [--no-ytfast]
                    [--den-zlim DEN_ZLIM DEN_ZLIM] [--T-zlim T_ZLIM T_ZLIM]
                    [--xHII-zlim XHII_ZLIM XHII_ZLIM] [--dry-run]
                    [--inzoombox] [--rise RISE] [--t0 T0]
                    [--time-unit TIME_UNIT] [--darkbg]
                    [--draw-box DRAW_BOX] [--box-center BOX_CENTER]
                    [--skip SKIP]
                    [jobdir] [outs] [axes]

     A program to efficiently make slices/projections plots of a RAMSES simualtion.

     Quick examples:
     >>> plot_projection ..
     >>> plot_projection . 10-20 z -t figures
     >>> plot_projection . 10-20 x,y -t figures -c 0.6,0.6,0.6 -w 10,pc -f den,temp -k slc --sink --den-zlim 1e4 1e10 --T-zlim 10 1e4

     positional arguments:
     jobdir                (Default '..') Path to the simulation directory
     outs                  (Default 'all') Output frames. If 'all', do all output frames. Examples: '10', '10,11,13', '10-20', '10-20-2'
     axes                  (Default 'x,y,z') The line of sight. Examples: 'x', 'x,y,z'

     optional arguments:
     -h, --help            show this help message and exit
     -c CENTER, --center CENTER
                                                     (Default 'c') The center.
                                                             'c': = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
                                                             'peak': the peak density location    x,y,z: position in boxlen unit, e.g. 0.5,0.5,0.5
                                                             a single integer: use the location of a sink particle with the given index as the center
     -l LOS LOS LOS, --los LOS LOS LOS
                                                     The line of sight vector, usually the face-on vector of the disk. When this is set, will plot a face-on and edge view that are perpendicular to each other.
     --no-edgeon           Turn off plotting edge-on view when los is set
     -w WIDTH, --width WIDTH
                                                     The width of the view. Examples: '1', '1000,AU'. Default: '1'
     -f FIELDS, --fields FIELDS
                                                     The fields to plot. Examples: 'den', 'den,temp'. Default: 'den'
     -t TO, --to TO        The destination directory. Default: './projections'
     -k KINDS, --kinds KINDS
                                                     Plot types, either 'slc', 'prj', or 'slc,prj' (default)
     -s, --sink            Turn on overplotting sink particles
     --sink-color SINK_COLOR
                                                     Set sink particle color. Default: Greens. Examples: Greens_r, Reds, Reds_r
     --mass-lim MASS_LIM MASS_LIM
                                                     Colormap limits (in Msun) of the sink particles
     -o, --overwrite       Turn on overwritting existing figures. If left off (default), will skip existing files.
     --overwrite-cache     Turn on overwritting cache files used by ytfast
     --hide-axes           Toggle hide axes
     -a, --annotate-scale  Toggle annotate scale
     --scale SCALE         Coeff and unit of annotate_scale
     --scaleloc SCALELOC   Location of the scale bar: lower_right (default) orlower_left
     --no-ytfast           Turn off using ytfast to speedup projection/slice plot
     --den-zlim DEN_ZLIM DEN_ZLIM
                                                     zlim of density (in cm-3)
     --T-zlim T_ZLIM T_ZLIM
                                                     zlim of temperature (in K)
                                                     zlim of xHII
     --dry-run             Toggle dry run: making one figure only and store it in local dierctory
     --inzoombox           with center=integer or center='peak', use sink particles/gas in zoombox only.
     --rise RISE           raise the slice plot by percent of the box width
     --t0 T0               set the t0 and annotate time. t0 could be one of the following options: 1. an integer indicating the time of the corresponding output frame; 2. a float indicating the t0 in Myr
     --time-unit TIME_UNIT
                                                     time unit, either Myr (default) or kyr
     --darkbg              Use dark background
     --draw-box DRAW_BOX   If not None, draw a box with this width
     --box-center BOX_CENTER
                                                     define the center of the box to draw, used along with --draw-box. The syntax is similar to center
     --skip SKIP           skip certain outputs


plot_imf -h

usage: plot_imf [-h] [-c CENTER] [-w WIDTH] [-t TO]
                                [--mass-lim MASS_LIM [MASS_LIM ...]] [--kroupa]
                                [--kroupa-max KROUPA_MAX] [--kroupa-min KROUPA_MIN] [-o]
                                [--short] [--ylim YLIM YLIM] [--xlim XLIM XLIM] [--inzoombox]
                                [--t0 T0]
                                [jobdir] [outs]

A program to plot stellar mass functions of a RAMSES simulation.

>>> plot_imf ..
>>> plot_imf .. 10-20
>>> plot_imf .. 10-20 -c 0.6,0.6,0.6 -w 10,pc

positional arguments:
jobdir                Path to the simulation directory
outs                  Output frames. If 'all', do all output frames. Examples: '10', '10,11,13', '10-20'.

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-c CENTER, --center CENTER
                                                The center. Examples: 'c', '0.5,0.5,0.5'. Default: 'c'
-w WIDTH, --width WIDTH
                                                The width of the view. Examples: '1', '1000,AU'. Default: '1'
-t TO, --to TO        The destination directory. Default: '.'
--mass-lim MASS_LIM [MASS_LIM ...]
                                                Turn on overplotting sink particles
--kroupa              Enable overplotting mass-normalized Kroupa IMF
--kroupa-max KROUPA_MAX
                                                Default: totmass, = sum(sink_masses)
--kroupa-min KROUPA_MIN
                                                Default: sinkmin, = max(min(sink_masses), 10**-1.25)
-o, --overwrite       Toggle overwrite existing figures.
--short               Make short figures instead of a square one.
--ylim YLIM YLIM      Set ylim.
--xlim XLIM XLIM      Set xlim.
--inzoombox           with center=integer, use sink particles in zoombox only.
--t0 T0               Define t0. If not 'off', will annotate timestamp,and will set t=0 to the t0th frame



A general wrapper to make some fo the common yt functions more efficient by reusing intermediate data

General-purpose yt wrappers. Apply to any data that yt supports.

ramtools.ytfast.PhasePlot(data_source, x_field, y_field, z_fields, weight_field=None, x_bins=128, y_bins=128, accumulation=False, fractional=False, fontsize=18, figure_size=8.0, shading='nearest', extrema=None, units=None, zlims=None, force_redo=False, define_field=None, is_cb=True, cmap='viridis', cb_label='', f=None, ax=None, ret='imshow', is_pcc=False)

A wrapper to yt.PhasePlot to use cache file to speed up re-production of a figure with different aesthetic settings like new colormap, different zlim, etc. For the use of yt.PhasePlot, check the official documentation

The following Args are in addition to the parameters of yt.PhasePlot.

  • zlims (list_like) – lims of z_fields

  • force_redo (bool) – toggle always remake the figure

  • define_field (func) – function to define a new field

  • is_cb (bool) – toggle show colorbar (default: True)

  • cb_label (str) – colorbar label (default: ‘’)

  • f (plt.figure) – figure to plot on (default: None)

  • ax (plt.axis) – axis to plot on (default: None)

  • ret (str) – what to return (default: ‘imshow’). One of [‘imshow’, ‘data’]

ramtools.ytfast.ProfilePlot(data_source, x_field, y_fields, weight_field='gas', 'mass', n_bins=64, accumulation=False, fractional=False, label=None, plot_spec=None, x_log=True, y_log=True, xlims=[None, None], force_redo=False, define_field=None, f=None, ax=None, ret='plot', mpl_kwargs={})

A wrapper to yt.ProfilePlot to use cache file to speed up re-production of a figure with different aesthetic settings. For the use of yt.ProfilePlot, check the official documentation

The following Args are in addition to the parameters of yt.ProfilePlot.

  • xlims (list_like) – x limits

  • force_redo (bool) – toggle always remake the figure

  • define_field (func) – a function to define a new field.

  • f (plt.figure) – figure to plot on (default: None)

  • ax (plt.axis) – axis to plot on (default: None)

  • ret (str) – what to return (default: ‘plot’). One of [‘plot’, ‘data’]

  • mpl_kwargs – kwargs to plt.plot


If ret == ‘plot’, return a tuple (f, ax) If ret == ‘data’, return a tuple (x, y)

ramtools.ytfast.ProjectionPlot(ds, axis, fields, center='c', width=None, axes_unit=None, weight_field=None, max_level=None, tag=None, force_redo=False, return_data=False, **kwargs)

A wrapper to yt.ProjectionPlot to use cache file to speed up re-production of a figure with different aesthetic settings like new colormap, different zlim, overplotting sink particles, etc. For the use of yt.ProjectionPlot, check the official documentation

The following Args are in addition to the parameters of yt.ProjectionPlot.

  • force_redo (bool) – toggle always remake the figure and write a new .h5 file no matter the .h5 exits or not.

  • **kwargs – more kwargs passed to yt.ProjectionPlot


A PWViewerMPL object containing the plot. See the official documentation of YT for details.

ramtools.ytfast.SlicePlot(ds, normal=None, fields=None, center='c', width=None, zlim=None, tag=None, force_redo=False, *args, **kwargs)

A wrapper to yt.SlicePlot to use cache file to speed up re-production of a figure with different aesthetic settings like new colormap, different zlim, overplotting sink particles, etc. For the use of yt.SlicePlot, check the official documentation

  • force_redo (bool) – toggle always remake the figure and write a new .h5 file no matter the .h5 exits or not.

  • **kwargs – more kwargs passed to yt.SlicePlot


A PWViewerMPL object containing the plot. See the official documentation of YT for details.


class ramtools.ramsesbase.RamsesBase(jobdir, fields=None)

This is the core of ramtools. Most of the times, you want to start ramtools by declaring this class.


>>> import ramtools as rt
>>> ram = rt.Ramses("../tests/Job_test")
>>> par = ram.get_sink_particles(1)
>>> mass = par[:, 0]
>>> print("Total mass =", mass.sum())
>>> ram = rt.Ramses("Job1", fields=FIELDS)

Remove a ds from self.ds_container


Load the first output out there. This is necessary to get the units and other things


Return the path to info_out.txt


Get sink masses in M_sun of one output (not shifted) Replacing get_sink_mass


out (int) – the output frame


an array of shape (n, ) containing the particle masses in

solar mass.

Return type



out (int) – the output frame


(n, 7) array containing the sink

parameters, where n is the number of particles and the 7 columns are: [m, x, y, z, vx, vy, vx], all in code units

Return type

particles (array)


Return the path to sink_*.csv


out (int) – the output frame


an array with shape (n, 3) containing the particle positions

in code unit

Return type


get_time(out, readinfo=False)

Get the time in Myr (not substracting t_relax) of data_id.


Define the following units for this job:

  1. unit_l: this is the boxlen (in cm), which equals to unit_l_code * boxlen

  2. unit_l_code: this is the actually length unit (in cm)

  3. unit_d: dnesity unit in cgs

  4. unit_t: time unit in cgs

  5. unit_v: velocity unit in cgs

  6. unit_m: mass unit in cgs

  7. unit_m_in_Msun: mass unit in Msun

  8. kin_ene_in_cgs: kinectic energy in cgs


Return a yt.load instance of the frame out

overplot_sink(p, out, plot_args={})

Over plot sink particles (as green crosses) on top of a YT slice/project plot

  • p (yt.sliceplot or yt.projectplot) – the plot to overplot on

  • out (int) – the output frame

  • plot_args (dict) –

overplot_sink_with_id(plot, out, center, radius, is_id=True, colors=<matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object>, withedge=False, zorder='time', lims=[0.01, 100.0])
  • plot (yt plot) – the plot to overplot on

  • out (int) – the output frame

  • center (tuple or list) – the center of the plot in boxlen units

  • radius (float) – the radius (half width) of the box around the center defining the domain of interest, in boxlen units

  • weight (str) – give weights to the annotates of the sink particles by the ‘time’ of creation, or by their ‘mass’


Defines the Ramses class, the core of ramtools.


Global variable defining the path to RAMSES jobs



class ramtools.ramses.Ramses(jobdir=None, jobid=None, ram_dir=None, fields=['Density', 'x-velocity', 'y-velocity', 'z-velocity', 'x-Bfield-left', 'y-Bfield-left', 'z-Bfield-left', 'x-Bfield-right', 'y-Bfield-right', 'z-Bfield-right', 'Pressure', 'xHII', 'xHeII', 'xHeIII'])

Inherit from RamsesBase for the use of the author’s personal use. The methods defined in this class may not work for another person’s RAMSES simulations.

find_formation_pos_from_movie(sinkid, msg='off')

Find the formation location of the sink particles with given sinkid. This is done by finding the sink_*.txt file where the sink first form and stops accreting.

  • sinkid (int) – (starting from 1)

  • msg (bool or string) – print message if msg is True or ‘on’


n by 3 array. Position of sink particle at formation

Return type



Get the out number right after a give time t (Myr)


Get the sink accretion rate.


DO NOT USE THIS. The results are not trustable. This column of data from RAMSES outputs seems to be problematic


Return a list of time and a list of sink masses


sinkid (int) – sink id, starting from 0


a dictionary containing the following keys: ‘out’, ‘t’, ‘m’, ‘x’,

’y’, ‘z’, ‘vx’, ‘vy’, ‘vz’. All in code units.

Return type


overplot_time_tag(ax, out, timeshift=0, loc='upper left', unit='Myr', **kwargs)

Overplot time tag on top-left corner

  • ax

  • out

  • timeshift



Read sink_xxxxx.csv in job/movie1 as particle array containing the following columns: m, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, all in code units


Some utilities to make figures.

class ramtools.ramplot.RamPlot(jobdir=None, jobid=None, ram_dir=None, fields=['Density', 'x-velocity', 'y-velocity', 'z-velocity', 'x-Bfield-left', 'y-Bfield-left', 'z-Bfield-left', 'x-Bfield-right', 'y-Bfield-right', 'z-Bfield-right', 'Pressure', 'xHII', 'xHeII', 'xHeIII'])
plot_2d_profile(out, center, radius, field_x, field_y, field, ds=None, weight_field=None, lims={}, units={}, vlims=None, with_cb=True, force_redo=False, define_field=None)

Plot 2D profile. Will store intermediate to disk for fast recreate of the figure.

  • jobpath (str) – path to job

  • out (int) –

  • center (tuple or str) – tuple (boxlen unit) or ‘c’ (center)

  • radius (float or tuple) – radius (half-width) of the region

  • ds (YT ds) – optional, feed ds (default None)

  • lims (dict) – limits of the axes, e.g. {‘density’: [1e3, 1e5], ‘temperature’: [1e0, 1e4]}

  • vlims (tuple) – vlims of the colorbar (default None)

  • with_cb (bool) – toggle colorbar (default True)

  • define_field (function) – a function that defines a new field. It should take ds as an argument.


yt profile plot

plot_phaseplot_for_all(figdir, center, radius, prefix='', phaseplot_kwargs={})


>>> plot_phaseplot_for_all(center='c', radius=0.4, x_field=('gas', 'density'),
        y_field=('gas', 'temperature'), z_fields=('gas', 'cell_mass'))
plot_prj(out, ds=None, center=0.5, 0.5, 0.5, width=0.5, axis='x', field='density', weight_field='density', kind='projection', normal=None, north=None, tag=0, use_h5=True, force_redo=False)

Plot projection or slice plot. When plotting projection plot, an intermediate data is stored for fast recreate of the figure.

  • out (int) – the frame number

  • ds (YT ds) – optional. If not specified, will load a ds using self.load_ds

  • center (tuple) – the center as a tuple in boxlen unit. Default: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)

  • width (tuple or float) – the width of the area to plot. e.g. (0.1 ‘pc’); 0.02. Default: 0.5

  • axis (int or str) – the axis of the line of sight. Default: ‘x’

  • field (tuple or str) – the field to plot. Default: ‘density’

  • weight_field (tuple or str) – the field to weight with. Default: ‘density’

  • kind (str) – the figure type, either ‘projection’ (default) or ‘slice’.

  • normal (tuple or list) – normal vector

  • north (tuple or lsit) – north vector

  • tag (any) – a tag

  • use_h5 (bool) – whether or not to use h5 data

  • force_redo (bool) – whether or not to force remake the h5 data and figure


you can save it to file by p.save(‘filename.png’)

Return type

p (YT plot instance)

projection_for_all_outputs(outdir, prefix='output', center='c', width=1.0, force_redo=False)

Plot (density-weighted) projection of density for all frames of a simulation job.

  • ourdir (int) –

  • prefix (str) – prefix of the filenames (default “output”). The name of the figures would be prefix-x-output_00001.png

  • center (str or list) – (default ‘c’)

  • width (float or tuple) – (default 1.0) float as in boxlen unit or a tuple containing a number and unit, e.g. (0.1, ‘pc’)



ramtools.ramplot.dict_hash(dictionary: Dict[str, Any]) → str

MD5 hash of a dictionary.

ramtools.ramplot.plot_a_region(ram, out, ds, center, fields='den', kind='slc', axis='z', width=None, center_vel=None, L=None, direcs='face', zlims={}, l_max=None, is_id=False, bar_length=2000.0, sketch=False, time_offset='tRelax', is_set_size=True, is_time=True, scalebar_length=None, streamplot_kwargs={}, more_kwargs={})

Do projection or slice plots in a region.

  • ram – a ramtools.Ramses instance

  • out (int) – output frame

  • ds (yt.ds) – yt.load instance

  • center (list_like) – the center of the region like in yt.SlicePlot

  • fields (str or tuple) –

    the field to plot. The avaialble options are: ‘den’ or ‘density’ - density. ‘logden’ - log of density. ‘T’ or ‘temperature’ - temperature. ‘T_vel_rela’ - temperature overplot with velocity field. ‘pressure’ - thermal pressure. ‘magstream’ - stream lines of magnetic fields on top of density slice.

    The magnetic strength is be indicated by the color of the stream lines.

    ’beta’ - plasma beta parameter. ‘AlfMach’ - Alfvenic Mach number. ‘xHII’ - hydrogen ionization fraction. ‘mach’ - thermal Mach number. ‘mag’ - magnetic field strength. ‘vel’ - velocity field on top of density slice. ‘vel_rela’ - relative velocity field, i.e. the velocity field in the frame

    with a velocity defined by center_vel.

    ’mach2d’ - thermal Mach number in the plane. ‘p_mag’ - magnetic pressure.

  • kind (str) – ‘slc’ or ‘prj’. Default: ‘slc’

  • axis (str or int) – One of (0, 1, 2, ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’).

  • width (float or tuple) – width of the field of view. e.g. 0.01, (1000, ‘AU’).

  • center_vel (list_like or None) – the velocity of the center. (Default None)

  • L (list_like) – the line-of-sight vector. Will overwrite axis. Default: None

  • direcs (str) – ‘face’ or ‘edge’. Will only be used if L is not None.

  • zlims (dict) – The limits of the fields. e.g. {‘density’: [1e4, 1e8]}, {‘B’: [1e-5, 1e-2]} (the default of B field).

  • l_max (int) –

  • is_id (bool) – toggle marking sink ID (the order of creation)

  • bar_length (float) – not using

  • sketch (bool) – If True, will do a faster plot of a simple imshow for test purpose. Default: False.

  • is_time (bool) – toggle overplotting time tag

  • time_offset (str or int or float) – One of the following cases: str: ‘rRelax’ int: the frame of which the time is used float: time in Myr

  • is_set_size (bool) – toggle setting figure size to 6 to make texts bigger. Default: True.

  • scalebar_length (bool) – the length of a scalebar to plot at the bottom-right corner. e.g. (2, ‘pc’), (1000, ‘AU’)

  • streamplot_kwargs (dict) – More kwargs for plt.streamplot that is used when fields=’magstream’. Default: {}

  • more_kwargs (dict) –

    more field-specific kwargs. Default: {} plot_cb (bool): toggle plotting the first colorbar for the main field plot_cb2 (bool): toogle plotting the second colorbar for the

    secondary field (e.g. magnetic or velocity field lines)

    cb2_orientation (str): either ‘vertical’ or ‘horizontal’ cb2_dark_background (bool): toggle plot cb2 with white axes cb_axis (plt axis): the plt axis to plot the first colorbar on cb2_axis (plt axis): the plt axis to plot the second colorbar on


yt figure or plt.figure


ramtools.utilities.get_sink_info_from_movie1(movie_dir, sinkid)

Return a list of time and a list of sink masses


sinkid: interger, starting from 0


  • Return a dictionary containing the following keys ‘out’, ‘t’, ‘m’, ‘x’,

  • ’y’, ‘z’, ‘vx’, ‘vy’, ‘vz’. All in code units.


Get the times and sink masses of all sink particles from movie files


movie_dir (str) – path to movie1


(outs, times, masses)

outs (list of int): length n list storing the movie frame indices.

n is the number of movie frames that has sink information.

times (list of float): length n list storing the times (in code unit)

of the movie frames

masses (array of float): (m, n) array storing the masses of all sink

particles over time. m is the number of total sink particles in the last movie file. For instance, masses[3] is a list of the masses of sink particle #3 (starting from 0) over times.

Return type

A tuple of 3


>>> outs, times, masses = get_sink_mass_from_movie1_for_all_sinks("tests/Job1/movie1")
>>> plt.plot(times, masses[0])    # plot the mass of sink #0 over time

Return a dictionary: {100: 0.012, 101: 0.013, …}


NEW: the original version was wrong Get the unit of B field strength.

[B] = sqrt(4pi) * [v] * [sqrt(rho)]


the unit of B in cgs units

Return type



Get the unit of B field strength

\(1 \ \mathrm{Gauss} = \sqrt{{g} / {cm}} / s, u_B = B^2 / 8 \pi\)


the unit of B in cgs units

Return type



Input: mass (Msun); output: stellar radius (Rsun)


input: mass (M_sun); output: T (K)

ramtools.utilities.my_yt_load(job_path, out)

Quickly yt.load a job with the correct FIELDS

  • job_path (str) – path to a job directory

  • out (int) – the output frame you want to load

Usage: >>> ds = my_yt_load(“tests/Job1”, 1)


Given the namelist file nml, return the center of the zoom

ramtools.utilities.read_zoom_radius(nml, idx=- 1)

Given the namelist file nml, return the radius of the zoom region (with maximum l_max


Plot utilities for RAMSES outputs


ramtools.plotutils.add_scalebar(ax, length, label, h=0.014, left=0.03, right=None, color='w', gap=0.01, **kwargs)

Add a scalebar to a figure Author: ChongChong He

  • ax (matplotlib axes) – The axes passed to add_scalebar

  • length (double) – The length of the scalebar in code units

  • label (string) – The scalebar label

  • h (double) – The height of the scalebar relative to figure height

  • color (string) – color

  • **kwargs (dict) – kwargs passed to ax.text


>>> im = plt.imread("/Users/chongchonghe/Pictures/bj.jpg")[:800, :800, :]
>>> plt.imshow(im)
>>> ax = plt.gca()
>>> add_scalebar(ax, 200, '3 pc')
>>> plt.show()
ramtools.plotutils.den_setup(p, zlim=None, time_offset=None, mu=1.4, unit='number_density', weight_field='density', is_time=False)
  • p (YT plot) –

  • zlim (tuple) – limits of the field

  • mu (float) – the mean particle weight. The mass density rho = mu * n

  • quant (str) – ‘volume’ or ‘column’ for volumetric and column density

ramtools.plotutils.overplot_time_tag(time, ax, loc='upper left', unit='Myr', **kwargs)

Overplot time tag on top-left corner

  • time (float) –

  • ax

  • loc (str) – one of ‘upper left’, ‘upper right’, ‘upper center’

  • timeshift


ramtools.plotutils.plot_prj(ds, center, width, sinks, field='density', axis='x', axis_unit='pc', kind='prj', **kwargs)
  • ds – YT ds instance, e.g. ds = yt.load(…)

  • center – center in boxlen units (0, 1)

  • width – width in boxlen units

  • sinks (n-by-3 array) – position of the sink particles in code units

ramtools.plotutils.quick_plot_prj(ds, sinks, field='density', axis='z', use_h5=True, **kwargs)
  • ds – YT ds instance, e.g. ds = yt.load(…)

  • sinks (n-by-3 array) – position of the sink particles in code units


Define the following constants in cgs units:
  • all constants in con_list

  • all constants in units_list

  • m_H

@author: chongchonghe



Author: Chong-Chong He (che1234@umd.edu) Written on Sat, 4 Apr 2020.

class ramtools.imf.Sink(jobdir=None, jobid=None, ram_dir=None, fields=['Density', 'x-velocity', 'y-velocity', 'z-velocity', 'x-Bfield-left', 'y-Bfield-left', 'z-Bfield-left', 'x-Bfield-right', 'y-Bfield-right', 'z-Bfield-right', 'Pressure', 'xHII', 'xHeII', 'xHeIII'])

Read sink info from outputs, make plots of SFE, sink number, and IMF

MassFunc(ax=None, bins='auto', outputID=None, tff=None, is_x_log_number=False, is_plot_kroupa=False, isFill=False, newsink=False, label=None, plotstyle={})

Plot the mass function kwargs could be: refPoint = [x_start, x_end], bin_max, bin_min, nbins, xlim, ylim, (ALL IN DEX), isDisplayMSM(bool)

is_x_log_number: If True, plot x as x = log10(masses).

display_summary(ax=None, **kwargs)

Summary of SFE

find_SNs(lastoutput=None, mSN=8.0)

Return the raw time (in Myr) of all SN explosions !!! Apply to the version of RAMSES where all stars never die.


  • time ({list}, the time of all SNe explosions, not necessary on)

  • output snapshots, before the lastoutput, when the first SN

  • explode

  • i (the outputID when the first SN explode)

  • Exeptions

  • -1, 0


  • i (the output of the first SN. If no SN found, return -1)

  • time (the time (in Myr) of the first SN (not - tRelax))

imf_summary(ax, outputID=None, pos=None, **kwargs)

Write the mean sink mass at the top right corner


Return the texts of the mean sink mass

overplot_kroupa(ax, m_sum, m_min=0.08, m_max=100, textxy=None, ls='--', isxloged=False, scale=1.0, **kwargs)

over plot a Kroupa IMF curve. parameters are in log scale Normalized to total stellar mass


self is useless. I put INTERP here for INTERP to be copied in the Sink class

plot_IMF(ax, out=None, bins='auto', is_over_dlogm=False, **kwargs)

Plot MF of an output. Tag with time, out id, m_tot, and N

  • ax (plot axis) – description

  • out (int) – output number. Default: self.get_last_output()

  • bins (str or list/array) – description

  • is_over_dlogm (bool) – False: y = dN. True: y = dN/dlogm

  • kwargs**kwargs for plot_imf()

plot_SFE(ax=None, label=None, color=None, yscale='log', ylim=None, is_disp_SN=True, **kwargs)

Plot a single SFE curve.

plot_imf_one_grid_single_line(ax, outputid, color='k', ylim=None, mass_shift=0.4, is_plot_kroupa=False, is_title=True, is_text=False, is_met=False, is_text_cloud_param=True, **kwargs)

Plot one single line of the IMF.

Plot one single line of the IMF., optionally add a Kroupa line, set title, and add text.

  • is_text (bool) – Control if or not to add texts at topleft (gas mass and den) and topright corner.

  • is_met (bool) – Only when is_text = True. Control if or not only add text at topright corner.

ramtools.imf.bayes_get_param(masses, thresh)

Given star masses and the percentile cummanative mass fraction to fit with, return the bayes parameters and the mass cut

ramtools.imf.bayesian_imf_fit(mass, m1, m2)

Do a Bayesian fitting to mass with a power-law slope at -alpha in range m1 to m2. Return alpha. mass is the shifted sink mass.

  • mass ([array], all the masses to fit with) –

  • m1 (fitting range) –

  • m2 (fitting range) –


Return type

(A, a_peak, a_peak_minus, a_peak_plus)

ramtools.imf.bayesian_imf_fit_new(mass, m1, m2=None)

Based on and replacing bayesian_imf_fit. Now the mass fed in could be all the masses in a simulation. Masses outside of [m1, m2] will be cut out.


The Chabrier 2015 single-star IMF. Reference: Eq. 3 of Krumholz:2014. The value of mc is missing. Refer to the original paper: Chabrier:2015

Return float



float: dndlogm


The chabrier 2003 system IMF

ramtools.imf.find_sigma(logl, alpha, deltalogl=- 0.5)

Return the most probable alpha and 1 sigam region of alpha, given the log likelihood logl.


alpha_max, alpha_minus, alpha_plus

ramtools.imf.get_bins(mass, maxBins=None, m_min=0.1)

Get the bins for IMF. Apply on shifted mass

ramtools.imf.imf_compare(m1, m2, ax, c1=None, c2=None, groups1=None, groups2=None)

Compare two MFs in a top-bottom view.

  • m1 – (array )

  • m2 – (array )

  • ax – plt axis

  • c1 – color for m1 (default None)

  • c2 – color for m2 (default None)

  • groups1 – (list of lists) particle groups for m1 (default None)

  • groups2 – (list of lists) particle groups for m2 (default None)


f, ax

ramtools.imf.kroupa_int_two_side(a, b, alpha1, alpha2)

Sample Kroupa IMF. The coefficient is set by assuming alpha1 = 0.3, and alpha2 = 1.3

ramtools.imf.likeli(m1, m2, alpha, mu)

Return the log likelihood. mu = np.log10(mass) is all masses.


A lognormal IMF. The default parameters correspond to the Chabrier IMF

ramtools.imf.mass_vertical_line(ax, masses, thresh, color='k')

add mass divider. Apply to masses directly (will not shift the mass)

ramtools.imf.overplot_kroupa_new(self, ax, m_sum, m_min=0.08, m_max=100, textxy=None, ls='--', isxloged=False, scale=1.0, **kwargs)

over plot a Kroupa IMF curve. parameters are in log scale Normalized to total stellar mass


self is useless. I put INTERP here for INTERP to be copied in the Sink class

ramtools.imf.overplot_kroupa_new2(self, ax, m_sum, m_min=0.08, m_max=None, textxy=None, ls='--', isxloged=False, scale=1.0, **kwargs)

over plot a Kroupa IMF curve. parameters are in log scale Normalized to total stellar mass


self is useless. I put INTERP here for INTERP to be copied in the Sink class

ramtools.imf.overplot_salpeter(ax, m_sum, m_min=0.08, m_max=100, textxy=None, **kwargs)

Overplot a Salpeter line. textxy=[textx, texty] in log scale

ramtools.imf.pick_kroupa(a, b, rand=None)

Pick a Kropam sampling rand is set for faster sampling based on numpy arrays.

ramtools.imf.pick_salpeter(a, b, alpha=2.35, rand=None)

For salpeter, rand is set for faster sampling based on numpy arrays.

ramtools.imf.plot_bayes_fit_any_width(ax, masses, thresh, yscaleup=1, color='g', is_xlog=False)

plot a bayes fit on top of a IMF

ramtools.imf.plot_imf(ax, mass, bins=None, xlim=[- 2, 2], ylim=[0.7, 330.0], is_over_dlogm=True, is_text=True, **kwargs)

Plot the mass spectrum of mass on ax. x: mass bins; y: d N / d log10(m)

ramtools.imf.plot_imf_N_vs_m(ax, m, color='k', istext=True, bin_width=None, bins=None)

Given m, plot the mass function where the y axis is the number of stars and x axis is log(m), with bin size 0.1 deg.

ramtools.imf.plot_imf_from_nbins(ax, n, bins, isLog=True, **kwargs)

Plot a mass spectrum on ax, given n and bins. y: d N / d log(m)

ramtools.imf.plot_imf_from_output(ax, r, out, isbay=False)
  • ax (plt axis) – the axis to plot on

  • r (Sink class object) – Instance of ramses.Ramses

  • out (int) – output ID

  • isbay (bool) – If True, plot Bayesian fit to the power-law slopw

ramtools.imf.plot_single_imf(ax, jobid, is_set_title=True, is_plot_kroupa=True)

Outdated. Do not use. Plot the MFs of one job. The indxes must be in reversed order (from big to small)

ramtools.imf.plot_sp_imf_one_job(ax, jobid, gammas, m_min=0.1, m_lower=0.08, sample_label_ext='')
  • ax (plt axis) – the axis to plot in

  • jobid (str) – jobid, e.g. ‘4.3.1’

  • is_sal (#) –

  • If True (#) –

  • Salpeter sampling along with Kroupa sampling. (add) –

ramtools.imf.plot_step_func(ax, n, bins, **kwargs)

Accurate and precise. The bins are representing the value between the pivots.

ramtools.imf.pow_int(a, b, beta)

Return the integral of x^-alpha from a to b. beta = 1 - alpha.

ramtools.imf.random() → x in the interval [0, 1).
ramtools.imf.sample_filename(jobid, outputID, version, kind=0)

When version=’’ and kind=0, returns the original sink filename :param jobid: e.g. “3.3.2”, or “XL-VC” :type jobid: str :param version: description :type version: str :param kind: 0: sink, 1: Kroupa, 2: Salpeter :type kind: int

ramtools.imf.sample_imf(pdf, m_tot, m_mean=0.2)

Sample a cluster of stars with total mass m_tot with a given PDF

  • pdf (function) – The MF

  • m_tot (double) – total mass to sample to (e.g. the mass of a sink particle to fragment)

  • m_mean (double (not used)) – The estimated mean mass from pdf

ramtools.imf.sample_masses(masses, kind='sal', m_min=0.1, m_lower=0.08, m_max=- 1, **kwargs)
  • masses (array) – The masses to sample from

  • kind (str) – ‘sal’ for salpeter and ‘kro’ for Kroupa sampling recipe

  • m_min (double) – The lower bound of IMF. 0.0 < m_min < 0.5

  • m_lower (double) – Only useful when m_min is a string. m_min = max(m_lower, x * m_sink)

  • m_max (double) – If m_max < 0: use m_sink as m_max

  • **kwargs (passed to pick_salpeter (not to pick_kroupa) to set alpha.) –


  • mass_samp (array) – The sampled masses

  • # n (list of integers)

  • # Counts of the histogram of the sampled masses

  • # bins (list of double)

  • # Bins of the histogram of the sample masses

ramtools.imf.sample_two_powerlaw(rand, a1, a2, m1, m2, m3)

Given a random number from 0 to 1, return a sampled mass based the following distribution: a broken power law from m1 to m2, m2 to m3, with negative slopes a1 and a2


A driver to test the mean mass of sampling. For Salpeter, INTERP’s ~0.6.

Indices and tables