
For a full list, please check my publications on the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System. My name appears as “Chong-Chong He” or “C.-C. He” in publications.

Papers under review and in preparation Link to heading

  • 12 C.-C. He, and M. R. Krumholz, “The impact of far-ultraviolet photoelectric heating on the multiphase interstellar medium”, in prep., to be submitted to MNRAS, 2025.

  • 11 C.-C. He, B. D. Wibking, and M. R. Krumholz, “A fully implicit solution for thermochemistry coupled with multi-group radiation and GPU acceleration implemented in the QUOKKA code”, in prep., to be submitted to MNRAS, 2025.

  • 10 M. R. Krumholz, C.-C. He, and B. D. Wibking, “An improved reduced speed of light approximation”, in prep., to be submitted to the Journal of Computational Physics, 2024.

  • 9 C.-C. He and M. Ricotti, 2024, “Formation of large circumstellar discs in multi-scale, ideal-MHD simulations of magnetically critical pre-stellar cores”, MNRAS under review.

First-author refereed publications Link to heading

Including first-authored by students I (co-)mentored.

  • 8 C.-C. He, B. D. Wibking, & M. R. Krumholz, 2024, “A novel numerical method for mixed-frame multigroup radiation-hydrodynamics with GPU acceleration implemented in the QUOKKA code”, MNRAS 535, 3059-3076 (2024)
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  • 7 C.-C. He, B. D. Wibking, & M. R. Krumholz, 2024, “An asymptotically correct implicit-explicit time integration scheme for finite volume radiation-hydrodynamics”, MNRAS 531, 1228 (2024).
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  • 6 C.-C. He and M. Ricotti, “Massive Prestellar Cores in Radiation-magneto-turbulent Simulations of Molecular Clouds”, MNRAS 522, 5374–5392 (2023).
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  • 5 R. Hix, C.-C. He, and M. Ricotti, “Bimodal Star Formation in Simulations of Strongly Magnetized Giant Molecular Clouds”, MNRAS 522, 6203–6216 (2023).
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  • 4 C.-C. He, “A Fast and Accurate Analytic Method of Calculating Galaxy Two-point Correlation Functions”, ApJ 921, 59, 59 (2021).
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  • 3 C.-C. He, M. Ricotti, and S. Geen, “Simulating star clusters across cosmic time - ii. escape fraction of ionizing photons from molecular clouds”, MNRAS 492, 4858–4873 (2020).
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  • 2 C.-C. He, M. Ricotti, and S. Geen, “Simulating star clusters across cosmic time - i. initial mass function, star formation rates, and efficiencies”, MNRAS 489, 1880–1898 (2019).
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  • 1 C.-C. He and L. Keek, “Anisotropy of X-Ray Bursts from Neutron Stars with Concave Accretion Disks”, ApJ 819, 47, 47 (2016).
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